GARMIN eTrex Euro Firmware Upgrades |
Important note: Only eTrex units that support multiple languages can use this software. It cannot be downloaded to any other product !
Firmware: V2.20 - V2.09 - V2.07 - V2.06 - V2.05 - V2.04 - V2.03 - V2.02
The following lists of changes are based on information provided by GARMIN. Changes or improvements which we consider important or especially useful are shown highlighted.
To view the current firmware version, complete the following steps:
- Press the Page key until you see the Menu screen.
- Select "Setup" and press the ENTER key.
- Select "System" and press the ENTER key.
- Select "Software" and press the ENTER key.
- The current firmware version will be displayed on the screen.
- Press the ENTER key to quit the screen.
Each upgrade replaces the complete firmware in the GPS, which means you need to install only the version you wish to apply. There is no need to install any previous versions.
- Removed the potential for shutdown when navigating a route with points placed close to one another.
- Updated French translations.
Firmware Upgrade V2.20 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 588 kB)
To table of contents
- Software modifications to support hardware change. No noticeable change to user.
Firmware Upgrade V2.09 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 588 kB)
To table of contents
- Added Turkish, Croatian, and Hungarian languages.
- Added RT 90 position format.
- Added Croatian map datum.
Firmware Upgrade V2.07 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 552 kB)
To table of contents
- Correct MGRS position format editing.
- Added +5:45 "other" time offset to accommodate Nepal time zone.
Firmware Upgrade V2.06 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 573 kB)
To table of contents
- Added Polish and Czech languages.
Firmware Upgrade V2.05 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 573 kB)
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- Added "Hunt / Fish" outlook page and "Sun / Moon" outlook page.
- Added NMEA in waypoint upload support.
- Added MILS angle display support.
- Added India grid support.
- Prevent excessive number of track points from being created.
Firmware Upgrade V2.04 (not available for download)
To table of contents
- Added an Advanced Skyview mode on the GPS page that displays the location in the sky of each satellite that the unit is tracking. Along with this skyview is the signal strength for each satellite. To get to this new mode, press the ENTER key while on the GPS page and an option menu will appear. This option menu contains two items: SETUP DISPLAY and ADVANCED SKYVIEW. The SETUP DISPLAY option will take you to the Display Setup page for adjusting contrast and light controls. Selecting the ADVANCED SKYVIEW option will switch the GPS page to display the advanced skyview information.
- Allow display of speed and track when velocity is below 1.0 MPH and Selective Availability (SA) is off.
- Fixed route leg distance calculation that occurred when the unit did not have a fix.
- Fixed Dutch grid conversions and added new Dutch map datum to accompany the Dutch grid.
- The map datum list on the unit's Setup page is now displayed alphabetically.
- Added Dutch and Finnish languages.
Firmware Upgrade V2.03 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 503 kB)
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- New user configurable north reference offset that can be modified on the units setup page.
- New project waypoint feature that allows you to create waypoints from existing waypoints given a distance a bearing.
- New hide/show waypoints feature on the Map page that is accessed from the option menu.
- Editing the location of a waypoint is now displayed correctly.
- Added PVT output support.
- Fixed rare memory anomaly caused by uncontrolled shutdown.
- Added bearing and distance to the map when veiwing a waypoint from the Review Waypoint page.
- The elevation on the Review Waypoint page can now be modified.
- Added more time zones. Note: Daylight savings needs to be turned on/off manually for time zones out of the United States.
- More zoom levels on the Map page.
- Improvements in positioning to fix erroneous track logs.
- Improved the arrival alarm.
- Changed the meter unit symbol from 'mt' to 'm' to be consistent with international standards.
- The UTC label is no longer displayed on the time when the UTC offset is zero.
- The user selected north reference offset is saved correctly.
- The restore defaults button on the units setup page saves the defaults correctly.
- Elevation is no longer displayed in kilometers or kilofeet when exceeding 1,000. It now remains in meters or feet.
- Shortened the Australian grid abbreviations.
- New display option on the Map page for the Goto navigational line. The line can be displayed from your current position (default) or from your original point of navigation as a course line. This option can be changed from the Map page's option menu by selecting "SHOW BEARING LINE" (default) or "SHOW COURSE LINE"
Firmware Upgrade V2.02 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 499 kB)
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