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TRAMsoft Extensions for SHARP PC-1500/A and PC-1600 |
Additional BASIC-Commands, more memory and mobile data acquisition with TRAMsoft extensions for SHARP Pocket Computers.
Our extensions are no longer available. We publish the following information for reference only - and a bit out of sentimentality.
The TRAMsoft Toolkit extends the set of BASIC-commands of a PC-1500 or PC-1500A significantly. The Toolkit connects to the 60 pin connector and offers the following program packages in any combinations:
For download as PDF documents (German only)
To product overview |
APPEND | Creates a new program module |
CHANGE | Replaces an expression with another expression |
DELETE | Deletes a given range of lines in a program |
ERASE | Deletes a program module |
KEEP | Restores a deleted program module |
LINK | Joins two program modules |
PLAST | Displays the last line of the active program module |
PLIST | Displays a given line of the active program module |
PROGRAM | Establishes the given module as the active module |
RENUMBER | Renumbers the active program module |
SPLIT | Splits the active program module into two independent modules |
To Toolkit overview | To product overview |
FCHAIN | Loads a program from tape under program control and continues execution at a given line in the loaded program |
FLOAD | Loads a BASIC program, RESERVE expressions, a range of memory or variables from tape |
FSAVE | Saves a BASIC program, RESERVE expressions, a range of memory or variables to tape |
VERIFY | Compares data on tape with the information stored in memory |
To Toolkit overview | To product overview |
CLR | Sets variables and DIM-arrays to zero |
DEC | Computes the decimal value of a hexadecimal string expression |
ERL | Returns the line number where the last error occurred |
ERN | Returns the number of the last error |
FRC | Returns the fraction of a numeric expression |
FRE | Returns the number of free bytes in memory with respect of variables and DIM-arrays |
HEX$ | Returns the hexadecimal string expression of a numeric expression |
INSTR | Returns the position of the first character of a given string in a string expression. The search starts at the given position in the string expression |
PGM | Returns the number of the active program module |
PSIZE | Returns the size of the active module in bytes |
PURGE | Removes variables and DIM-arrays from memory |
REDIM | Resize an existing variable or DIM-array |
RESUME | Provides, in conjunction with ON ERROR, a means to continue program execution after an error with the next statement |
STRING$ | Returns a given character or string expression a given number of times |
SWAP | Swaps the contents of two variables |
VKEEP | Restores variables and DIM-arrays after CLEAR, NEW, PURGE DIM or RUN |
VLIST | Displays variables and DIM-arrays |
To Toolkit overview | To product overview |
AVGX | Returns the average value of x |
AVGY | Returns the average value of y |
CORR | Returns the correlation of the linear regression of the given value pairs |
GRA | Returns the gradient of the linear regression |
SDNX | Returns the standard deviation for x in respect of n |
SDNY | Returns the standard deviation for y in respect of n |
SDVX | Returns the standard deviation for x in respect of n-1 |
SDVY | Returns the standard deviation for y in respect of n-1 |
SEG | Returns the segment of y of the linear regression |
STAT | Returns the values of the statistics variable |
STATCLR | Sets the statistics variable to zero |
STATIN | Adds a value pair to the statistics variable |
STATOFF | Deletes the statistics variable |
STATON | Creates the statistics variable |
STATOUT | Removes a value pair from the statistics variable |
STX | Returns the x value for given value of y |
STY | Returns the y value for given value of x |
CLEN | Returns the number of characters of a converted program line |
CONV | Returns the number of elements in a given program line |
CONVL$ | Converts a given program line to a string expression |
CONVS$ | Converts a single element of a program line to a string expression |
ELAST | Returns the number of the last line in a program module |
ELINE | Returns the number of a given program line |
ELIST$ | Returns a given program line without converting it to a string expression |
ENTER | Saves or deletes a given program line |
To Toolkit overview | To product overview |
Allows to connect up to four devices to a PC-1500/A or CE-150. Each device may be connected and disconnected by means of switches or under software control.
For download as PDF documents (German only)
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16-bit parallel interface which allows to connect a printer with a parallel interface ("CENTRONICS") and a COMMODORE VC-1541 (or compatible) floppy disk drive. the following program packages are available:
For download as PDF documents
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8 channel 12-bit analog to digital converter providing the following features:
For download as PDF documents (German only)
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32 kB RAM module to increase the memory for programs and data.
For download as PDF documents (German only)
To product overview |
8 channel 12-bit analog to digital converter providing the following features:
For download as PDF documents (German only)
To product overview |
8 channel 12-bit analog to digital converter providing the following features:
For download as PDF documents (German only)
To product overview |
32 kB RAM module to extend the memory for programs and data.
To product overview |
Please read our terms and conditions.
Specifications and packaging of the products are subject to change without notice.
TRAMsoft GmbH Laettenweg 19 / CH-8335 Hittnau / Switzerland Contact Last modification: 10/27/2024 (RA) (This document was created with TRAMsoft XbCMS V1.3-00, does not require any browser specific features and is compliant with the W3C standard "HTML 4.01 Transitional") |